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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ciao Give Big Ear to engineering

Ciao Program is the opportunity to earn money online for those who despair how to make money from the internet. Ciao is owned and operated by microsoft so you do not need to worry about fraud. Ciao is a website where you have to write a review and members will rate, if they like, and you will be paid a few dollars. Review which must be more than 125 words to be received. For a minimum payment for members is $ 5 ciao. You can request payment as soon as you get $ 5 in your account.

How to Apply Make Money OnlineCiao Ciao members pay through Paypal. You can invite new members to join Ciao in two ways: either to send them e-mail containing a link to the registration form Ciao, or the way down and berpromosi in blog / your website. For every new member you recruit, and they write at least one product reviews, Ciao will give you a commission of $ 1, you can get $ 0.01 - $ 0.03 per rating.
Although they pay a few cents for every dollar a review, but you can maximize your use of the steps below.

1. Ciao will pay a percentage of revenue from people who call you (Ciao has sitem refferal). So you should see the relationship as much as possible, to refer people sign up through your refferal.
2. Ciao next trick is to add a lot of friends at Ciao. Adding a friend is very easy and you can add up to 50 friends within 5 minutes. With increasing a friend, you will receive many comments and rate and rank you in the auto Ciao increasing.
3. Try to write many reviews. If you want to write a review for sony plasma tv just googling and you can find various ideas about the features of the plasma tv. Now you only need to condense into 125 words. I said that the estimate of 125 words can be written this review in 5-10

minutes.sign up now make your money everydayklick here:

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