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Sunday, January 18, 2009

free software engineer

for the week of: January 18Downloads
  1. 1.
    Adobe Acrobat Professional

    Desktop Publishing Software21,847

  2. 2.
    DAZ Studio

    3D Modeling Software11,605

  3. 3.
    Adobe Flash Professional

    Flash Software7,505

  4. 4.
    Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 Update

    Desktop Publishing Software7,355

  5. Find latent errors in multithreaded C, C++ and Fortran apps
    Deliver fast software on the latest multi-core systems
  6. 5.
    Adobe Illustrator

    Illustration Software7,180

  7. 6.

    3D Modeling Software6,637

  8. 7.
    DeskPDF Professional

    Desktop Publishing Software6,478

  9. Intel(r) Thread Profiler tunes threaded C, C++ and Fortran apps
    Share photos and videos directly to the desktop.
  10. 8.

    Animation Software5,804

  11. 9.
    CorelDRAW Graphics Suite

    Illustration Software5,728

  12. 10.
    CutePDF Writer

    Desktop Publishing Software5,274

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