Accomplishing engineering projects has always posed serious problems for companies, whether they need computer aided design such as electrical engineering, new product design, or civil engineering of a new building. The complexities of any given project usually require specialized skills and experience that may not be available in-house, even for an engineering firm. Furthermore, the accuracy required in product or structural design often makes it impossible to outsource the project. Recently launched, CADlance aims to solve all of these problems through their new website, which features both an online marketplace for engineering services and a rich suite of communication tools to facilitate smooth execution.
Companies have long struggled with the engineering required to launch new products and build customized facilities. When you discuss the actual mechanical engineering design of your next key product, or the structural engineering of a multi million dollar building, things cannot be left to chance and “close” is never close enough. Businesses need complete control over their engineering projects, even if they are being outsourced. Sebastian Alberti, founder of CADlance, understands how critical CAD projects are to companies. Alberti says, “I created to provide the vital link between qualified professionals and those who absolutely needed the best engineers possible to ensure successful project completion.”
Many people are familiar with online project marketplaces that connect businesses and individuals in need of services with skilled professionals to perform the work. CADlance offers a more complete service than other sites. In addition to its extensive project listing capabilities, CADlance provides the collaboration tools needed to get the job done right. There are integrated chat and file sharing tools presenting secure means to see projects through to completion. CADlance even has an integrated payment system so neither party has to worry about the security of their financial information.
CADlance relieves all the stress usually encountered with freelance engineering. Through their partner, LiveLook, they even provide you the ability to send screen images as visual aids. Along with integrated file sharing and organizational tools, that makes CADlance a powerful tool for accomplishing civil engineering projects, mechanical engineering jobs, and other product design and development.
The process of finding experienced product design consultants has finally been fully streamlined by the Internet. Talking about why he created the site, CADlance's creator said: “Five years ago, whilst I was employed in the engineering arena and responsible for recruiting qualified engineers for different projects, I realized how difficult it had become to find the right engineer candidate to fulfill the requirements of a particular position.” Through Mr. Alberti's CADlance site, people in the CAD, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and design service fields can be directly connected to those that need them, to get any job done effectively.
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